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MAB PA-15 (France)

Top Gun "  MAB PA-15 (France) "  When, in late 1970s  production of the 9mm M1950 pistols ceased, the French army obtained small numbers of commercially available MAB P15 pistols, also in 9x19. These pistols were never adopted for general army service, but saw some use in the hands of French Naval Commando units, Military police and Marines. The long-barreled version of the P15 was used in very small numbers by the French army shooting teams under the designation of PAP F-1. The MAB P15 pistol (also known as the PA-15, for Pistolet...

Colt SSP (USA)

Top Gun " Colt SSP (USA) "  Colt SSP (Stainless Steel Pistol) was designed during late sixties and then shelved until XM9 trials, which began in late 1970s and in 1985 were won by Beretta M92FS pistol. It was then voluntarily withdrawn from trials by Colt for unpublished reasons, and never manufactured for commercial sales. This was a big mistake on part of the Colt's management, as back in 1970s and even 1980s this pistol had a great sales potential. However, this was not the only mistake made by Colt's top heads during that timeframe,...

BUL M-5 Commander Pistol

Top Gun " BUL M-5 Commander Pistol "  The M5 pistol was developed in 1991-92 timeframe by a private Israeli company called BUL Ltd. Manufacturing of this gun commenced in 1994 and ever since it became quite popular as sporting (IPSC and IDPA), self-defense and service weapon, used by numerous police and special military forces around the world, to include Latin America, Asia and Europe. Produced in a wide spectrum of modifications, Bul M5 pistols combine time-proven design and ergonomics of legendary US M1911A1 pistol with most modern materials...

Jericho 941 Pistol

Top Gun " Jericho 941 Pistol "  During the early nineties, the state-owned Israel Military Industries (IMI) company developed a conventional combat pistol, the Jericho 941. This was actually an international effort, since the design of the pistol was based on the Italian Tanfoglio system, itself a well-made clone of the Czechoslovak Cz-75 pistol.  Early Jericho pistols were often shipped with two sets of barrels and springs, one in 9mm and another in .41AE.  Jericho pistols are widely exported from Israel, and also used by Israeli...

ALFA Defender or ALFA Combat

Top Gun " ALFA Defender " The ALFA Defender is a Czech-made semi-automatic pistol that was created for the military, law enforcement shooting purposes, and Sport. There are two different series of Pistols made by ALFA, Combat series and Defender Series. Proved the concept of self-loading service and defense pistol in modern design with frame polymeric materials. Breech locks in vertical movement of the barrel and drive cycle is controlled with short recoil action of the assembly blows back. This pistol uses Browning-type breech locking system...

Akdal Ghost

Top Gun " Akdal Ghost " The Ghost TR01 is a compact semi-automatic pistol designed by "Three Stars" Arms (Akdal Arms) of Turkey or Czech_Republic. It was designed as a pistol for security and law enforcement personnel rather than the military market. The TR01 is very much like the Glock 17 and shares very many similarities. The Turkish armed forces prefer to use the Yavuz 16 which has recently passed military trials and is in service with a few regiments. The TR01 was introduced in 1990 and continues to be produced. The Akdal has been designed...

Breda 30 " (Italy Machine Guns )

 Top Gun " Breda 30 (Italy Machine Guns )  " This is one of weapon from Italy , The Fucile Mitragliatore Breda modello 30 was the standard light machine gun of the Royal Italian Army during World War II. The Breda M30 or Breda 30, was rather unique for a light machine gun. It was fed from a fixed magazine attached to the right side of the weapon and was loaded using brass or steel 20 round stripper clips. If the magazine or its hinge/latch were damaged the weapon became unusable. Separated cases, jamming the gun beyond field clearing,...

Machine Gun

Top Guns " Machine Gun " A machine gun is a fully automatic mounted or portable firearm, usually designed to fire bullets in quick succession from an ammunition belt or magazine, typically at a rate of several hundred rounds per minute. Machine guns are generally categorized as submachine guns, machine guns, or autocannons. Submachine guns are hand-held small portable automatic weapons for personal defense or short-range combat firing pistol-caliber rounds. It would not be until the mid-19th century that successful machine-gun designs came into...